
GEARY RURAL HIGH CLASSMATES (Sept. 1956 - June. 1967)

MEMORY: n. the faculty of retaining and recalling knowledge; recollection.
MEMENTO: n. anything which serves as a reminder of a person or event; a souvenir.
MEMORABILIA: n. things worthy of note.

It is with the utmost respect to all our fellow classmates that we give you a place and an opportunity to go back in time. To reconnect, to reminisce, to get caught up on events in each others lives but, most importantly to show one another that we DO REMEMBER those people and events that meant so much to each of us while growing up. A time before marriages, careers, raising families and other adult responsibilities. Help us to recall and rekindle those carefree days while attending Geary Rural High School. Your photos, documents and recollections are welcomed and encouraged. Come often, stay long, chat and enjoy this site. IT'S YOURS.

Bonnie Anderson Cogswell

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