Class Photos

Class Photos

Grade 5 - 1963

Grade 6 - 1965 - 1966

Grade 9- 1961-62

Mrs. Kaye and Grade 3 1962-63

Phil Crain & Grade 12 Class 

Mrs.Beverly MacKay's Grade 9 Class

Mrs. Turner's Class
Back row: Carmel Mahar, ?1, Ross Drummond, Kenny Harper, Rosemarie Mintz, Fred Bradford, Lorraine Carr, Mark Howe, Pat Jones, Beverly Chappelle, Susan Morehouse
Middle row:  Gail Carr, Cindy Carr, Amy Currier, Crystal Snowdon, ?3, Angela Carr, Cathy Boone, Mary Ellen Lenentine, Debbie Bradford, ?4, Nancy Chase
Front row: Diana Boone, Patsy Carr, Edgar Smith, Bernadette Belliveau, Luther Gamble, Suzanne Carr, Joyce Theriault, ?Gamble, Darlene McLellan, Vanessa Bourque

Kay Sercerchi's Grade 6 Class
Back row:  Jimmy Chase, Gary Piercy, John Stevens, Linden Ball, Elwood Smith, Harold Logue, David Hannah;
Middle row:  Nelson Mills, Patsy Chappelle, Ellen Boone, Juanita Grasse, Carolyn Jones, Lucha Cogswell, Stanley Mallaley
Front row:  Debbie Drummond, Hazel Stennick, John Owens, Joanne Bourque, John Chessie, Cora Davis, Janice Till

Mrs. Barbara McLaughlin's Grade 2 Class
Back Row: ?1, Nelson Mills, Harold Logue, Patsy Carr, Louise Carr, Debbie Carr, Juanita Grasse, ?2, Jerry Belliveau
Middle Row: Lucha Cogswell, Carolyn Jones, David Carr, Douglas Caldwell, Jimmy Chase, Joanne Bourque, Gary Jones, Brenda Theriault
Front Row:  Michael Carr, Janice Till, Larry ?, Hazel Stennick, Debbie Drummond, Ronald Davidson

Mrs. Anderson's Class
Front row: Amy Currier, Robert Nickerson, Retta Lunnie, Heather Ernest, Luther Gamble, Gail Carr, Carmel Mahar, Joyce Theriault, Heather Youritchuk
Middle row: Larry Carr, Lynn Chappelle, Cathy Cogswell, Angela Carr, Ross Drummond, Kenny Harper, Cedric Harnish, Kathy Morehouse, Henry Brawn
Back row: Susan Morehouse, Beverley Chappelle, Pat Jones, David Boone, Lorraine Carr, Barry Boone, ??1, ??2, Mark Howe, ??3, Dolores Carr

Grade 2 - 1961-62
1st Row: Robert Casey, Jerry Drummond, Larry Carr, Danny Keizer, Peter Carr, David ?, Darrell Morehouse, Winnie Currie, Dana Carr; 
2nd Row: Lillian Davidson, Bob Carr, Jim Jones, Cathy Cogswell, Grant Legere, Suzanne Smith;
3rd: Raymond ?, Billy Davidson, Francis Logue, Annie Morehouse, Jim Howe, Elizabeth Stennick, Ian Boone, Greta Howe, Michael Brooks;
4th: Leverne Carr, Ricky Carr, Cheryl Clark, Linden Ball, Judy Scovil, Blair Boone, MaryAnn Carr, Susan Harnish, Cathy Carr

Grade 8 1965 - 1966

Top Row:  Peter McAleenan,  Holly Till,  Darrell Carr,  Dwayne Grasse,  Jim Piercy,  Ossie Carr
Terry Wood,  Milton Cogswell.
Middle Row:  Phyllis Carr,  Donna Grace,  Barbara Logue,  Gail Campbell,  Nancy Carr,  Diane Gardner,
Wanda Dickinson, Donald Leslie (teacher).
Front Row:  Bobby Stennick,  Graham Currier,  Dennis Simpson,  Glorianne Carr,  Rosalie Carr, 
Randy Keizer,  Miles Foss.

Grade 7 -  1962 - 1963

Top Row:  Barbara Ann Carr,  Darrell Smith,  Rosalie Carr,  Eric Currier,  Weston Carr,  Jasper Carr,  Norman Carr, Margaret Howe.
Middle Row:  Helen Petryshen (teacher),  Ricky Shears,  Ralph Harper,  Dale Cogswell,  Douglas McAleer, Catherine Ryan,  Bob Armstrong,  Patsy Drummond.
Bottom Row:  Mark Allen,  Anna Smith,  Duane Boone,  Richard Theriault, Donald Morehouse,  Patty McAleenan, Pat Chessie 

Grade Nine 1962-1963

Top row:  Garnet Gates,  Mark Poore,  Neil Munn,  Stillman Wilcox,  Keith Carr,  Stanley Howe,
Jimmy Cogswell.
Center row:  Gerry Brooks,  Rilla Smith,  Eleanor Howe,  Carol Smith,  Judy Smith,  Earla Carr,  Gail Munn,
Phil Crain  (teacher).
Front row:  Guy Drummond,  Juliette Casey,  Susan Smith,  Mae Hall,  Margaret Armstrong,
Terry Sue Carr,  Wayne McCutcheon.

Grades 5 - 6   1961 - 1962

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1961 - 1962  Grade 10
Top Row, Left to Right:  Carl McLaughlin,  Ella Jones,  Ronnie Carr,  Sheila Carr,  Winston Collicott,  Bertha Carr.
Middle Row, Left to Right:  Harlan Boone,  Percy (Junior) Carr.
Bottom Row, Left to Right:  Dale Currier,  Steve LeFait 

!961 - 1962  Grades 11 & 12

Top Row, Left to Right:  Roger Smith,   Sharon Armstrong,  Morton Carr,   Rachel Brown,
Vincent Smith,  Diane Carr.
Middle Row, Left to Right:  Elizabeth Cogswell,  Floyd Hall,  Elizabeth (Betsy) McAleer,
William (Bill) Armstrong,
Bottom Row, Left to Right:  Danny Grasse,  Elizabeth Cogswell,  Wilmot Smith,  Glendon Wood,
Jimmy Carr,  Joe Estabrooks. 

1961 - 1962  Grade 8

Row 1:  Mrs Barrett (teacher),   Gary Carpenter,  Margaret Armstrong,  Stillman Wilcox,  Judy Smith,
Gilbert Kennedy,  Jackie Grasse,  Neil Munn
Row 2:  Bobby Lunnie,  Susan Smith,  Keith Carr,  Earla Carr
Row 3:  Terry Sue Carr,  Garnet Gates,  Juliette Casey,  Mark Poore,  Carol Smith ,  Wayne McCutcheon,
Eleanor Howe,  Donald Cameron..
Row 4:  Gail Munn,  Jimmy Cogswell,  Gerry Brooks,  Stanley Howe,  Melda Cogswell,  Charles Fornier

1961 - 1962  Grade 6

Top Row L to R: Margaret Howe,  Ricky Shears,  Barbara Ann Carr,  Duane Boone,  Bonnie Cogswell,
Kieth Morehouse,  Anna Smith,  Bev Carpenter.
Row 2:  Pat Chessie,  Patty McAleenen,  Mark Allen,  Patsy Drummond.
Row 3:  Sandra Poore, Terry Wood, Rosalie Carr,  Bob Armstrong,  Mary Beeler,  Larry Theriault, Sandra Carr,
Darrell Smith.
Row 4:  Eveline Grasse,  Brian Logue,  Jane Carr, Douglas Smith,  Leonard Hannah,  Richard Theriault.

Grade 10. 1965 - 1966
Top Row Left to Right: Bob Armstrong, Darrell Smith, Arthur Brown, Ricky Shears, Jasper Carr,
Doug Smith, Brian Logue, Donald Morehouse, Doug Donnelle.
Second Row, Left to Right: Margaret Howe, Lena Howe, Patty McAleenan, Brenda Smith,
Alanna Johnson, Earla Carr, Rosalie Carr, Patsy Drummomd, Donald Pert (Teacher)
Third Row Left to Right: Barbara Ann Carr, Sandra Carr, Jane Carr, Pat Chessie, Mark Allen,
Anna Smith, Teresa Ryan, Audrey Currie. 

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