“Take The Money And Run.”…. Steve Miller Band.
“Take The Money And Run.”…. Steve Miller Band.
Remember that great song? Well it fits with what we have in mind – "Take The Money And Run" ... all the way to the GRHS Grand Reunion of 2012.
We have set up the GRHS Classmates Reunion bank account, but -- guess what -- it's empty!
We're really hoping we can work together to change that. We're hoping that each member cares enough about the Reunion to personally contribute financially toward it becoming a reality. To our knowledge, none of our classmates has become fabulously rich enough to bank-roll it. What then? Well, there will be some fundraising activities later, but if we could all personally contribute small amounts, our funds should grow quickly.
Here's a great idea -- Geo has decided to put all of his returnable container refunds from now to the Reunion into the Reunion account. If others did the same we could really make the account grow (and it might be a relatively painless way to contribute). Geo is also thinking of a yard sale to generate some funds. Doesn't that sound like a good idea? Of course, you might find it easier simply to put some cash in the kitty. If each member dropped in even ten dollars ....
By now, you're getting the idea. The more funds we raise and the more support we gain, be it by donations, by bottle drives, by bake sales, by sponsors, or by little old you just saving a few pesos to buy one of our upcoming package offers, you will be contributing to a worthy cause. Remember . . . the more we raise now . . . the better it will be at reunion time. We have a bank account, we have an accounting department, and we have a mailing address -- so let's all get out there and add a little Gold to the Pot.
Oh yes, and one more thing. We are hoping that we will be able to work with the administrators of the Geary Elementary School and turn over any funds remaining after all Grand Reunion expenses have been covered to go toward specified needs of the school.
Thanks,,,,,Bonnie, Rick, Dale and Geo
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